
La historia de La Encantada
A project based on believing in oneself, in change, in restoring the values of things and returning them to their natural order.
Remembering the origins... going back to earth... listening to the plants... feeling life.

The cosmetics we produce are the result of the harmony and love we have for this way of living and growing close to nature, which we have chosen for more than 14 years.

Our products are made with natural ingredients, spring water and first quality oils. We use flowers, plants and herbs that we grow and collect from the forest around us, in an artisanal and eco-friendly way.

We produce creams, ointments, soaps, toothpastes and everything necessary for hygiene, body care and family cosmetics.
We do it in an artisanal way, with great care and attention to detail, transmitting this energy to each product.

We are part of the Cooperativa El Poblet SCCL and the Associació d’Artesans Saboners de Catalunya.


How do we do it?

We distill the ingredients using wood fire, bringing out the true alchemy and magic that plants and elements have when combined.

We macerate the herbs respecting the times of each plant and the moon that rules at each moment, as it has a great influence on us, on nature and on the preparations.

We feel it is very important to know what you put on your skin and in your mouth, which is why our products do not contain any chemical elements, preservatives, colorants, aromas or flavors that are not natural. And as an added value, they are made with a lot of love and delicacy. 

With the goal of remembering every day how to live on earth in a healthy and respectful way with biodiversity and the environment, our production is totally handmade and ecological.

Not tested on animals, but on our friends!!

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